Monday, May 7, 2012

A Friendly Reminder

I checked out a post by Teacher Tom on Sunday night. It was a typical insightful and reflective post that reminds all that, essentially, the CHILDREN are at the centre of learning! Here is the link!

Anyway, this message is particularly relevant to me right now. Graduation in June, children have written an adaptation of a story book, (Bear Hunt) and we are busily trying to support their proposed performance.

So on Monday, I gathered a group of my young engineering types and handed them the cartons for the wall to create the proposed house for our set. I noticed the wall was looking more like a skyscraper so I reminded them of their "container ship" they previously made with blocks. I left the room to supervise some major noisy, wet play in the outdoor area.

This is what they made. In a group of three:

Wall? Pffffffft!!

A truck carrying containers! It has a face, spare tyres, steps to get up to the cab level, a siren, a driver, a working door with handle. They did it with zero supervision from me! (I only heard a small amount of raised voices from my position outside, but how healthy!) The amount of incredible learning, (design, space, shape, social skills, knowledge of the world, number, language  etc etc), are endless. But that is not the point! The point is, they didn't want to build a wall. They do not have the same desire to have a 'performance' that is 'visually colourful and vibrant' as myself and my partner do. The graduation show is by adults, for adults, and until that changes, teachers will be building their own sets, begging children to slather paint on!

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