¨A small group of children draw their ideas about dinosaurs on large paper. Small group learning activates in depth learning and exchange of ideas. These early drawings from the children become valuable tools throughout the project as we revisit their initial understandings which change with time. The drawings also implicitly contain questions and "I wonders".
After the children finish their drawings, teachers speak individually with each child about his or her drawings.
The pictures of each child will be discussed by the teachers to predict possible understandings or misunderstandings and potential questions that may arise.
Children's drawings are then used as a focus during meeting times.
Teachers share the content of the drawing and the child’s descriptions. Carefully thought out questions are asked to provoke the class and bring forth further discussion.
Children's questions and those brought up by adults make for fascinating discussions and stimulus for further investigation and activities.
¨M: Ms sarah I am drawing T-rex now.
¨I: Me too.
¨M comments on J's drawing. The comment is asking if it is a baby sister. J responds it is a rhinoceros. M thinks rhinoceros is not a dinosaur.
¨M: So big and SO evil! (His T-Rex)
¨U: I draw a sea.
¨M: Ms Sarah, this brachiosaurus. Miss Sarah I want to be a stegosaurus.
¨Teacher: You would like to be a stegosaurus?
¨M: Yes because stegosaurus so beautiful.
¨I: I want to be this sort of dinosaur.
¨M (to J): You want to be this? You wan to be who? You want to be baby stegosaurus?
¨Teacher: Is that where the dinosaur lives J? In a house?
¨J: Yes
¨M: Ms Sarah I am writing pterodactyl
¨Teacher: Tell me about your dinosaurs J
¨J: This is mummy dinosaur and this is baby dinosaur.
¨M: But Ms Sarah my stegosaurus too big.
This discussion tells us several things about some common interests. These themes recur during the project and are themes we attempt to explore further with the children.
- Dinosaurs lived in family groups (mummy and daddy dinosaur).
- T-Rex was a ferocious dinosaur.
- When thinking about dinosaurs, the children 'identify' with particular ones due to characteristics they like in the dinosaur.